The domino effect of decision
A couple of years ago…
Cerian and I were in the fortunate position to buy our first house together. This was due to a combination of family support, budgeting to save, i.e. sacrificing excursions, take-away’s and other fun activities and some determination to stick in the hours of work needed to increase income.
We’re hugely grateful for our home and often thank God for our little heap of bricks and mortar. For the first 3 years of our marriage, I was so aware that Cerian wanted us to make a home, but I felt we should wait until we buy somewhere before we make more long term purchases like sofa’s, beds etc. On this matter, she was gracious, supportive and lovingly believed in the long term future we wish to build together. There are times we do this for one another; it’s not a one-way street.
For 2 years, we have been slowly buying different items to make our house our home. One thing we have delayed has been our bedside tables, so one night I just went for it (after months of deciding together) and bought two bedside tables as a surprise. The central aspect of this surprise wasn’t that these bedside tables are for Cerian, they’re not, they’re for both of us, but I knew she would be pleased and this in itself makes me happy to know my wife is satisfied.
The decision to get the bedside tables had a domino effect.
The old single bedside table could be moved to the spare room, thus completing it. The remaining packaging meant I needed to vacuum (this is part of my share of house responsibilities/contributions, I’m sincerely not looking for kudos) which I hadn’t done for some time. Cerian has completed the restoration of her makeup desk thingy to fit the now awkwardly placed stool underneath. The seat I had been using as a bedside table for 2 years but to be fair, we did spend 3 years sleeping on a mattress on the floor rather than buying a bed (as I write this I realise my wife is amazing).
Why do I waffle on about this story?
Always prioritise long term goals over short term gains. Sacrifice in the present to succeed in the future.
One decision can trigger many outcomes. Don’t just settle into unintended normality when one decision and one action can have a pleasing domino effect to complete, incomplete projects, initiate responsibilities that have been overlooked or rediscover hobbies long forgotten.
Get involved and make your decision today.