Consistency - Progress

Consistency - Progress

Progress is progress.

Arguably, whether we look for incremental or barrier breakthrough progress both are progress. I know which I prefer and which one i find more challenging.

My preference would be incremental and perhaps incremental progress fits my current life stage. With that said, I have find barrier breaking progress easier. Smash it for a short while and see big strides. With that said both take consistency and consistency is king when it comes to progress.

Whether it be working out, healthy eating, learning, saving or any other type of growth, consistency is a key ingredient.


4 years ago I could run 5 minute 20 second km on my 5km run. I recently dusted off the running shoes. Over 7 minute per km for my first run a little over a week ago. Several runs later I gradually increasing speed and distance. 6 min 30 seconds my latest average. Lots more progress to be had as long as I remain consistent.

I have friends who run farther and faster than I and I don’t intend to pick up running long term because I enjoy cross-fit far to much. The community, the coaching and the measurable progress are all elements, comparative to running, that far outweigh a switch to the lonely, hard roads. For now, during lockdown, running isn’t a bad option so we’ll see where we land.

find what works for you and try to be consistent. We may surprise ourselves.

To help with developing new habits I tend to follow these steps

  1. start small (just a few mins a day, a few lines etc depending on what the new habit is)

  2. Make it easy (remove barriers)

  3. Make it attractive

  4. Do it often

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New season

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Music continued - Drums