New season

New season

I write this at a time of significant turbulence, trauma and division in the world. It’s hard not to feel a deep sense of loss, frustration and sometimes anxiety because of the overarching narratives at play in the world. The necessary focus on climate change and the sense of powerlessness that comes with it, along with the rise of autocratic political leaders and clear disenfranchisement that so many feel. Increased financial inequality, the rise of poverty and then slap a whopping pandemic in the mix along with the all the crap that goes with it. Vaccination, non vaccination, reduced civil liberties, outrageous conspiracy theory, major distrust of the media and a financial system in total ruin.

welcome to the happy blog.

It can be easy to get weighed down but at the same time I have never felt more hopeful, optimistic and hungry to build something innovative, creative and progressive. I’m looking forward to 2022 mainly because I can’t wait to be a dad. Yes, the Wilkinson’s are expecting a baby boy in the first quarter of 2022.

Future hope is more powerful than present disillusionment.

I find it so helpful to look forward, have faith for the future and focus my energy on that which is to come. Yes, of course there is much preparation to do in planning for the babies birth and this is the illustrative thought I find myself holding on to. A mantra of sorts.

what am I preparing for, expectant of, anticipating and working towards? As we sort through the clutter of our home to make room for the new I’m reminded that before the new can come the old has to be removed.

Consistency - Progress

Consistency - Progress